WOAH reference center for BSE




Nel 2015 l'IZSTO è stato riconosciuto dalla World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) come laboratorio di riferimento internazionale per la BSE e la scrapie. 

I laboratori di riferimento WOAH sono designati per dare supporto tecnico-scientifico in merito ad una specifica malattia, in questo caso la BSE e la scrapie. 


Dal 2019, l'IZSTO partecipa come Working Group per le TSE per ERFAN - Enhancing Research For Africa Network, un progetto internazionale che promuove collaborazioni scientifiche tra le Istituzioni Italiane e i Paesi africani, permettendo di ottenere una conoscenza continua e aggiornata delle condizioni di salute animale e umana in relazione al continente africano.



Inoltre, in quanto laboratorio di riferimento internazionale per la BSE e la scrapie, collabora con lo STOR - Remesa (Réseau Méditerranéen de Santé Animale) e ospiterà dal 16 al 18 ottobre 2024, un evento formativo dedicato ai paesi membri del Remesa.




Report annuale per la BSE




In 2015, the IZSTO was recognized by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) as International Reference Laboratory for BSE and scrapie. 

WOAH reference laboratories are designated to give technical and scientific support regarding a specific disease, in this case BSE and scrapie.

Since 2019, IZSTO has been participating as Working Group for TSEs for ERFAN - Enhancing Research For Africa Network, an international project that promotes scientific collaborations between Italian institutions and African countries, allowing for continuous and up-to-date knowledge of animal and human health conditions in relation to the African continent.

Furthermore, as international reference laboratory for BSE and scrapie, it collaborates with the Scientific and Technical Office of Remesa, STOR - Remesa (Réseau Méditerranéen de Santé Animale) and will host a training event for Remesa member countries from 16 to 18 October 2024.



Contact point:

Dr. Cristina Casalone DVM

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte Liguria e Valle d’Aosta (IZSPLV),
Via Bologna 148 – 10154 Torino (ITALY)
C.Re.Di.Ma (National Reference Center for Diagnostic Investigations on Stranded Marine Mammals)
Web: www.izsplv.it
Tel. +39 011 2686 296 Mobil Phone +39 3209253421
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

