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“Mosquito-Borne Diseases and ‘One Health’: The Northwestern Italian Experience”
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“A versatile and sensitive lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis”
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“Shotgun Metagenomics and Volatilome Profile of the Microbiota of Fermented Sausages”
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“Influence of Hermetia illucens meal dietary inclusion on the histological traits, gut mucin composition and the oxidative stress biomewrkers in 
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“SURF1 knockout cloned pigs: Early onset of a severe lethal phenotype”
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“A cross-sectional study to identify a set of risk factors for caprine herpesvirus 1 infection”
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“Thromboelastometric assessment of hemostasis following hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4) administration as a constant rate infusion in 
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“Serological survey in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Switzerland and other European countries: Sarcoptes scabiei may be more widely distributed than 
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“Metals in feathers of African penguins (Spheniscus demersus): considerations for the welfare and management of seabirds under human care”
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Schiffer D, Annovazzi L, Casalone C, Corona C, Mellai M
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“Occlusive mycotic tracheobronchitis and systemic Alphaherpesvirus coinfection in a free-living striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba in Italy”
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“Novel dolphin morbillivirus (DMV) outbreak among Mediterranean striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba in Italian waters”
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“The isopod Eurydice spinigera and the chaetognath Flaccisagitta enflata: How habitat affects bioaccumulation of metals in predaceous marine 
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“Public health risks associated with food-borne parasites”
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“Hazard analysis approaches for certain small retail establishments and food donations: second scientific opinion”
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“Evaluation of the application for a new alternative processing method for animal by-products of Category 3 material (ChainCraft BV)”
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“Scientific opinion on chronic wasting disease (II)”
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“Update of the list of QPS-recommended biological agents intentionally added to food or feed as notified to EFSA 9: suitability of taxonomic units 
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“Updated quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of the BSE risk posed by processed animal protein (PAP)”
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“Update of the list of QPS-recommended biological agents intentionally added to food or feed as notified to EFSA 8: suitability of taxonomic units 
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“Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat foods and the risk for human health in the EU”
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“Novel Type of Chronic Wasting Disease Detected in Moose (Alces alces), Norway”
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“The bivalve Ruditapes decussatus: a biomonitor of trace elements pollution in Sardinian coastal lagoons (Italy)”
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“Trace metals occurrence in Mediterranean seaweeds”
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“Tuberculosis in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the Western Liguria region”
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“Active and passive surveillance for bat lyssaviruses in Italy revealed serological evidence for their circulation in three bat species”
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“Outbreak of febrile gastroenteritis caused by Listeria monocytogenes 1/2a in sliced cold beef ham, Italy, May 2016”
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“Analysis of the environmental and host-related factors affecting the distribution of the tick Dermacentor marginatus”
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“In vitro and in vivo characterization of stem-like cells from canine osteosarcoma and assessment of drug sensitivity”
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“When LC-HRMS metabolomics gets ISO17025 accredited and ready for official controls – Application to the screening of forbidden compounds in 
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“Immunohistochemistry by anti-cleaved-Lamin A: an improved approach to tackle the misuse of glucocorticoids in cattle”
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“Quantification of TMA in fishery products by direct sample analysis with high resolution mass spectrometry”
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“Analysis of Gluten Content in Gluten-Free Pizza from Certified Take-Away Pizza Restaurants”
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“Microbiological Parameters in the Primary Production of Berries: A Pilot Study”
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“The diatoms test in veterinary medicine: A pilot study on cetaceans and sea turtles”
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“Draft Genome Sequences of 510 Listeria monocytogenes Strains from Food Isolates and Human Listeriosis Cases from Northern Italy”
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“Genotyping of Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus strains in Kazakhstan using MLVA-15”
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“Highlighting priority areas for bovine viral diarrhea control in Italy: A phylogeographic approach”
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“DNA Pool Analysis-based Forgery-Detection of Dairy Products”
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“Anisakis spp. larvae in different kinds of ready to eat products made of anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus) sold in Italian supermarkets”
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“The Significance of Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan 4 (CSPG4) in Human Gliomas”
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“A case study on the labeling of bottarga produced in Sardinia from ovaries of grey mullets (Mugil cephalus and Mugil capurrii) caught in Eastern 
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“Case report of a pustular dermatitis outbreak in sheep: Clinical and food safety considerations”
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“Evaluation and validation of an alternative method to detect Campylobacter spp. in dairy products”
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“A survey of bacterial infections in Italian farming sturgeon”
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“Behavior of Escherichia coli O157:H7 during the manufacture and ripening of Fontina Protected Designation of Origin cheese”
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“Short communication: Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus isolated along the raw milk cheese production process in artisan dairies in Italy”
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“A novel divergent group of Ostreid herpesvirus 1 μVar variants associated with a mortality event in Pacific oyster spat in Normandy (France) in 2016”
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“First description of a mortality event in adult Pacific oysters in Italy associated with infection by a Tenacibaculum soleae strain”
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“Dioxin-like Compounds in Lake Fish Species: Evaluation by DR-CALUX Bioassay”
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“Molecular Genetics Unveiled Unknown Family Relationships and Hybrids in an Ex-Situ Colony of African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus)”
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“A Set of Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reactions for Genomic Detection of Nine Edible Insect Species in Foods”
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“Assessing the health status of farmed mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) throutgh histological, microbiological and biomarker analyses”
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“Two-dimensional gel and shotgun proteomics approaches to distinguish fresh and frozen-thawed curled octopus (Eledone cirrhosa)”
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“Effect of farming system on donkey milk composition”
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“Effects of thermal treatment on walnut detection and allergenicity”
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“A comparative study on subacute toxicity of arsenic trioxide and dimethylarsinic acid on antioxidant status in Crandell Rees feline kidney (CRFK), 
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“Altered homeostasis of trace elements in the blood of SCA2 patients”
Squadrone S, Brizio P, Mancini C, Abete MC, Brusco A
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“Expression of functional TRPV1 receptor in primary culture of canine keratinocytes”
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“Up-regulation of progesterone receptor in formalin fixed sex accessory glands: towards the validation of a screening method for illicit growth 
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Benedetto A, Pezzolato M, Peletto S, Beltramo C, Bozzetta E
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“Thyrostatic residues determination in thyroid, muscle and urine by LC-MS/MS”
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“Illicit treatment in beef cattle. Can a stress oxidative marker give a perspective?”
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Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
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“A predictive model based on serum biomarkers to identify veal calves treated with glucocorticoids for growth-promoting purposes”
Rossi M, Badino P, Cordero F, Bozzetta E, Pezzolato M, Girolami F, Spalenza V, Nebbia C
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“Humboldt penguin’s feathers as bioindicators of metal body burden: a case study”
Squadrone S, Brizio P, Favaro L, Florio D, Da Rugna C, Abete MC
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
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“Corrigendum to "Detection of morbillivirus infection by RT-PCR RFLP analysis in cetaceans and carnivores" [Journal of Virological Methods 247 (2017) 
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“Neuropathologic findings in cetaceans stranded in Italy (2002-14)”
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“Mandibular osteosarcoma in a goat”
Domenis L, Zanardello C, Giudice A, Ratto A, Abramo F
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“Trace elements, rare earth elements and inorganic arsenic in seaweeds from Giglio Island (Thyrrenian Sea) after the Costa Concordia shipwreck and 
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“Evaluating a mixed abiotic–biotic model for the distribution and hostcontact rates of an arthropod vector of pathogens: An example withIxodesricinus 
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“Glioblastoma niches: from the concept to the phenotypical reality”
Schiffer D, Mellai M, Bovio E, Bisogno I, Casalone C, Annovazzi L
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“The microbiota of hematophagous ectoparasites collected from migratory birds”
Cerutti F, Modesto P, Rizzo F, Cravero A, Jurman I, Costa S, Giammarino M, Mandola ML, Goria M, Radovic S, Cattonaro F, Acutis PL, Peletto S
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“Clinical, pathological, and molecular features of classical and L-type atypical-BSE in goats”
Vallino Costassa E, D'Angelo A, Mazza M, Meloni D, Baioni E, Maurella C, Colussi S, Martinelli N, Lo Faro M, Berrone E, Favole A, Crociara P, Grifoni S, 
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“Using multi-criteria risk ranking methodology to select case studies for a generic risk assessment framework for exotic disease incursion and spread 
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“Potential role of wolf (Canis lupus) as passive carrier of European brown hare syndrome virus (EBHSV)”
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“Viral load, tissue distribution and histopathological lesions in goats naturally and experimentally infected with the Small Ruminant Lentivirus 
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“Intake estimates of dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls in the Italian general population from the 2013-2016 results of official monitoring 
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“Development of an Injectable Slow-Release Metformin Formulation and Evaluation of Its Potential Antitumor Effects”
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