"Authentication of poultrymeat storage as fresh or frozen by histology and HADH activity"
Meistro S, Olivo F, Varello K, Botta M, Nocilla L, Baioni E, Meloni D, Bozzetta E
29th International forum and exhibition process analytical technology - IFPAC - Arlington USA, January 25-28 2015

"Optimization of a reporter gene assay to disclose illicit treatments by synthetic glucocorticoids in bovine"
Bozzetta E, Pitardi D, Meloni D, Olivo F, Cavarretta M, Loprevite D, Ingravalle F, Capra P, Gili M, Richelmi G, Pezzolato M, Caramelli M
29th International forum and exhibition process analytical technology - IFPAC - Arlington USA, January 25-28 2015

"Seprion-coated microcantilever sensors for PrPsc detection"
Bozzetta E, Pitardi D, Meloni D, Mazza M, Castagna R, Ferrante I, Ricciardi C, Caramelli M
29th International Forum and exhibition process analytical technology - IFPAC - Arlington USA, January 25-28 2015

"Innovative screening methods to protect food integrity and detect food fraud: direct sampling analysis for mass spectrometry"
Martucci F, Sciuto S, Acutis PL
5th International Course Advanced Food Analysis - Wageningen NLD, January 26-30 2015

"Proteomics for biomarker search in fresh/defrosted Eledone moschata"
Guglielmetti C, Mazza M, Acutis PL
5th International Course Advanced Food Analysis - Wageningen NLD, January 26-30 2015

"Detoxifing marker assessment of organotin compounds in rainbow trout liver"
Dörr AJM, Scanzio T, Scoparo M, Pacini N, Coffano L, Magara G, Righetti M, Caldaroni B, Elia AC, Abete MC, Prearo M
Aquaculture America 2015 - New Orleans USA, February 19-22 2015

"Evaluation of heavy metals levels in red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) muscles and carapaces of Candia Lake (Turin Province, Piedmont, Italy)"
Monaco G, Brizio P, Burioli EAV, Scanzio T, Riva A, Squadrone S, Tarasco R, Pucci A, Bovo G, Prearo M, Abete MC
Aquaculture America 2015 - New Orleans USA, February 19-22 2015

"Italian seawaters as a suitable environment for Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas pre-fattening"
Burioli EAV, Scanzio T, Righetti M, Foglini C, Serracca L, Prearo M
Aquaculture America 2015 - New Orleans USA, February 19-22 2015

"Surveillance of Photobacterium damselae in wild and farmed fishes in North west Italy"
Scanzio T, Rossini I, Battistini R, Purini E, Prearo M, Ercolini C, Serracca L
Aquaculture America 2015 - New Orleans USA, February 19-22 2015

"Recombinant Swine Influenza Virus detected in Piedmont, Italy"
Lo Vecchio C, Rizzo F, Sona B, Origlia S, Chiapponi C, Foni E, Mandola ML
3rd International One Health Congress 2015
- Amsterdam NED, March 15-18 2015

"Vector-Borne zoonoses surveillance in Piedmont region, northwestern Italy (2011 - 2014)"
Casalone C, Pautasso A, Pintore MD, Radaelli MC, Iulini B, Francese DR, Mandola ML, Modesto P, Verna F, Prearo M, Mosca A, Vitale N, Grattarola C, Mannelli A, Calleri G, Caramello P, Demicheli V, Chiavacci L
IOHC: International One Health Conference - Amsterdam NED, March 15-18 2015

"Vector-borne zoonoses surveillance in Piedmont region, northwestern Italy (2011-2014)"
Casalone C, Pautasso A, Pintore MD, Radaelli MC, Iulini B, Francese DR, Mandola ML, Rizzo F, Modesto P, Verna F, Prearo M, Mosca A, Vitale N, Grattarola C, Mannelli A, Calleri G, Torta I, Caramello P, Demicheli V, Chiavacci L
3rd International One Health Congress - Amsterdam NED, March 15-18 2015

"Dix ans de contrôles sanitaires sur les chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) des Alpes Maritimes"
Bona MC, Durante S, Gennero MS, Abete MC, Zoppi S, Dondo A, Grattarola C, Ru G, Mignone W
AEEMA - Journées Scientifiques - Épidémiologie et Santé Animale - Paris FRA, March 19-20 2015

"Évaluation de facteurs qui conditionnent la mortalité des abeilles dans l'Italie du Nord-Ouest (Régions du Piémont, Ligurie et Vallée d'Aoste)"
Irico L, Vitale N, Radaelli MC, Chiavacci L, Possidente R
AEEMA - Journées Scientifiques - Épidémiologie et Santé Animale - Paris FRA, March 19-20 2015

"Everything is leishmaniasis, nothing is leishmaniasis: biological markers of canine leishmaniasis"
Barbero R, Bergagna S, Dezzutto D, Rivò G, Alberti G, Mignone W, Gennero MS
AEEMA - Journées Scientifiques - Épidémiologie et Santé Animale - Paris FRA, March 19-20 2015

"Development of a molecular method for the detection of Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pancreatin"
Peletto S, Modesto P, Maniaci MG, Cavallazzi U, Acutis PL
qPCR & NGS 2015 - Freising DEU, March 23-25 2015

"The Italian diagnostic network on stranded cetaceans: “from local to global approach" "
Giorda F, Ballardini M, Mignone W, Iulini B, Pintore MD, Petrella A, Pintore A, Toffan A, Scholl F, Terracciano G, Latini M, Ferri N, Caracappa G, Rubini S, Di Nocera F, Mazzariol S, Di Guardo G, Casalone C, Pautasso A
29th Conference of European Cetacean Society - Malta MLT, March 23-25 2015

"Entomological surveillance on exotic mosquitoes in Piedmont region (North-western Italy), 2013-2014"
Francese DR, Verna F, Radaelli MC, Pautasso A, Mosca A, Desiato R, Bertolini S, Lia R, Prearo M, Vitale N, Chiavacci L, Casalone C
Impact of Environmental Changes on Infectious Diseases 2015 - Sitges ESP, March 23-25 2015

"Entomological surveillance on exotic mosquitoes in Piedmont region (North-western Italy), 2013 - 2014"
Francese DR, Verna F, Radaelli MC, Pautasso A, Mosca A, Desiato R, Bertolini S, Lia R, Prearo M, Vitale, N, Chiavacci L, Casalone C
Impact of Environmental Changes on Infectious Diseases 2015 - Sitges ESP, March 23-25 2015

"Probability of introduction of Avian Influenza in Piedmont (IT): a risk map"
Bertolini S, Desiato R, Filipello V, Radaelli M C, Travaglio S, Aiassa E, Ingravalle F, Possidente R, Chiavacci L, Ru G, Maurella C
Annual conference of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine - Ghent BEL, March 25-27 2015

"Syndromic surveillance using mortality data:an example in dairy cattle"
Crescio MI, Massarotto V, Aiassa E, Ingravalle F, Chiavacci L, Ru G
Annual conference of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine - Ghent BEL, March 25-27 2015

"Assessing the storage declaration of poultry meat: histology and HADH activity"
Botta M, Meistro S, Pezzolato M, Olivo F, Varello K, Nocilla L Baioni E, Meloni D, Bozzetta E
2nd Food Integrity Conference - Bilbao ESP, March 26-27 2015

"Automated image analysis in histology: a valuable tool to differentiate fresh from frozen thawed fish"
Pezzolato M, Baioni E, Botta M, Richelmi G B, Meistro S, Chessa E, Tracanna A D, Bozzetta E
2nd Food Integrity Conference - Bilbao ESP, March 26-27 2015

"Determination of unauthorized Sudan Red azo-dyes in tomato sauce by direct sample analysis in high resolution mass spectometry"
Martucci F, Esposito G, Sciuto S, Mazza M, Casalone C, Caramelli M, Acutis PL
2nd Food Integrity Conference - Bilbao ESP, March 26-27 2015

"Development of a molecular method for "farm traceability" of dairy products"
Modesto P, Biolatti C, Cognata D, Caroggio P, Bagnato A, Schiavini F, Benso A, Rossi F, Peletto S, Acutis PL
2nd Food Integrity Conference - Bilbao ESP, March 26-27 2015

"Fish species identification in a forensic laboratory to detect mislabelling: comparative evaluation of primer pairs targeting different genetic markers"
Riina MV, Votta B, Trisorio S, Colussi S, Modesto P, Nodari S, Peletto S, Ingravalle F, Ru G, Caramelli M, Acutis PL
2nd Food Integrity Conference - Bilbao ESP, March 26-27 2015

"Fresh/frozen-thawed Musky Octopus differentiation using two-dimensional gel elctrophoresis"
Guglielmetti C, Mazza M, Martucci F, Gili S, Acutis PL
2nd Food Integrity Conference - Bilbao ESP, March 26-27 2015

"Optimization of a reporter gene assay to disclose illicit treatments by synthetic glucocorticoids in bovine"
Pitardi D, Meloni D, Olivo F, Loprevite D, Cavarretta MC, Brouwer A, Behnisch P, Ingravalle F, Capra P, Gili M, Botta M, Pezzolato M, Bozzetta E
2nd Food Integrity Conference - Bilbao ESP, March 26-27 2015

"Intake assessment of associated neurotoxicants in seafood from the Mediterranean sea from the coastal population"
Ciccotelli V, Ferrari A, Vivaldi B, Vito G, Chessa G, Chiaravalle E, Esposito M, Miniero R, Brambilla G
International Conference on food contaminants 2015 - Challenges in chemical mixtures - Lisbon PRT, April 13-14 2015

"Leptospirosis in bovine. Case reports of Leptospira Hardjo in Piedmont Region"
Gennero MS, Barbero R, Canale G, Bergagna S, Dezzutto D, Falzone R, Tarello V, Boniotti MB, Lombardi G, Tagliabue S
2nd ELS (European Leptospirosis Society) meeting on leptospirosis and other rodent borne haemorrhagic fevers - Amsterdam NED, April 16-18 2015

"First report of malignant catarrhal fever in a captive pudu (Pudu puda)"

Modesto P, Biolatti C, Grattarola C, Varello K, Casalone C, Mandola ML, Caruso C, Dondo A, Goria M, Rocca F, Iulini B, Acutis PL
International Conference on Avian heRpetological and Exotic Mammal medicine (ICARE) - Paris FRA, April 18-23 2015

"Detection and molecular characterization of common avian viruses in psittacine birds in Northern Italy"
Modesto P, Biolatti C, Peletto S, Grattarola C, Trisorio S, Palestra L, Zoppi S, Dondo A, Acutis PL
International Conference on Avian heRpetological and Exotic Mammal medicine (ICARE) - Paris FRA, April 18-23 2015

"Histology as a valid tool to differentiate fresh from thawed marinated fish"
Meistro S, Pezzolato M, Baioni E, Panebianco A, Giarratana F, Muscolino D, Bozzetta E
International Association for Food Protection's European Symposium on food safety - Cardiff GBR, April 20-22 2015

"The Challenge of Histopathology in the Detection of Illicit Treatments with Hormones Associations"
Botta M, Richelmi G B, Pezzolato M, Baioni E, Pitardi D, Meistro S, Bozzetta E
International Association for Food Protection's European Symposium on food safety - Cardiff GBR, April 20-22 2015

"Entomological surveillance and Public Health: first detection of West Nile Virus in Piemonte and Liguria and Aedes albopictus in Valle d’Aosta (North-western Italy)"
Verna F, Francese DR, Pautasso A, Radaelli MC, Mosca A, Grattarola C, Desiato R, Bertolini S, Lia R, Monaci E, Vitale N, Modesto P, Ballardini M, Ercolini C, Rossini I, Orusa R, Spedicato R, Accorsi A, Mignone W, Prearo M, Chiavacci L, Casalone C
“Genes, Ecosystem and Risk of Infection” - Heraklion GRC, April 21-23 2015

"An indirect ELISA test to discriminate BoHV1 and BuHV1 infection in water buffalo: in field application and future implications in buffalo trade"
Caruso C, Masoero L, Martucciello A, Vecchio D, Bertolotti L, Rosati S, Ingravalle F, Campanile G, De Carlo E
Asian Buffalo Congress 2015 - Istanbul TUR, April 21-25 2015

"A zoo animal welfare assessment form: preliminary results of field implementation"
Biolatti C, Modesto P, Dezzutto D, Maurella C, carrella S, Tarantola M, Gennero S, Acutis PL
International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals - Barcelona ESP, May 13-16 2015

"Behavioural analysis of blue and yellow macaw (ara ararauna) under different zoo managements: preliminary data"
Biolatti C, Modesto P, Maurella C, Dezzutto D, Pera F, Di Nucci E, Malusa F, Tarantola M, Gennero MS, Acutis PL
International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals - Barcelona ESP, May 13-16 2015

"Behavioural analysis of captive Tigers (Panthera Tigris) under different zoo managements"
Biolatti C, Modesto P, Maurella C, Dezzutto D, Pera F, Di Nucci E, Malusa F, Tarantola M, Gennero MS, Acutis PL
International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals - Barcelona ESP, May 13-16 2015

"Detection and molecular characterization of common avian viruses in psittacine birds in Northern Italy"
Modesto P, Biolatti C, Cerutti F, Peletto S, Grattarola C, Palestra L, Zoppi S, Dondo A, Acutis PL
International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals - Barcelona ESP, May 13-16 2015

"Sorveglianza sanitaria sui cinghiali (Sus scrofa) a vita libera nel ponente ligure"
Bona MC, Addeo A, Durante S, Gennero MS, Zoppi S, Dondo A, Goria M, Ru G, Mignone W
33èmes Rencontres des Groupe d’Etudes sur l’Ecopathologie de la Faune Sauvage de Montagne - GEEFSM - Balme ITA, May 21-24 2015

"Indagine sulle rogne del cinghiale nelle Alpi Occidentali italiane"
Robetto S, Viani A, Orusa R, Molinar A R, Rossi L, Mignone W
33èmes Rencontres des Groupe d’Etudes sur l’Ecopathologie de la Faune Sauvage de Montagne - GEEFSM - Balme ITA, May 21-24 2015

"Projet MAZE.ROE: etude du microbiote intestinal et du regime alimentaire du chevreuil (Capreolus capreolus) dans les Alpes Italiennes"
Orusa R, Ballardini M, Peters W, Rizzoli A, Crestanello B, Girardi M, Robetto S, Guidetti C, Hauffe H, Cagnacci F
33èmes Rencontres des Groupe d’Etudes sur l’Ecopathologie de la Faune Sauvage de Montagne - GEEFSM - Balme ITA, May 21-24 2015

"Presenza dei virus dell'Epatite E (HEV) in specie selvatiche cacciate nel Nord-Ovest italiano: indagine mediante metodiche molecolari"
Serracca L, Battistini R, Rossini I, Mignone W, Peletto S, Boin C, Pistone G, Ercolini R, Ercolini C
33èmes Rencontres des Groupe d’Etudes sur l’Ecopathologie de la Faune Sauvage de Montagne - GEEFSM - Balme ITA, May 21-24 2015

"A biochemical approach to evaluate the contribution to pathological prion protein formation from the 222K PrP variant in scrapie positive goats"
Mazza M, Guglielmetti C, Ingravalle F, Langeveld JPM, Ekateriniadou LV, Andréoletti O, Acutis PL
Prion 2015 - Fort Collins USA, May 26-29 2015

"Detection of cellular prion protein in exosome derived from ovine plasma"
Berrone E, Corona C, Mazza M, Vallino Costassa E, Favole A, Lo Faro M, Palmitessa C, Properzi F, Camussi G, Casalone C
Prion 2015 - Fort Collins USA, May 26-29 2015

"Oral challange of goats with atypical scrapie"
Colussi S, Mazza M, Martucci F, Peletto S, Corona C, Gallo M, Bona C, Nonno R, Di Bari M, D’Agostino C, Martinelli N, Lombardi G, Acutis PL
Prion 2015 - Fort Collins USA, May 26-29 2015

"Real-Time Quaking-Induced Conversion: Detection and Discrimination of classical and atypical L-type Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy"
Orrù CD, Favole A, Corona C, Mazza M, Manca M, Groveman BR, Hughson AG, Acutis PL, Caramelli M, Zanusso G, Casalone C, Caughey B
Prion 2015 - Fort Collins USA, May 26-29 2015

"Selective drugs targeting cancer stem cells to overcome chemoresistance in canine mammary carcinoma"
Ratto A, Ferrari A, Barbieri F, Thellung S, Bajetto A, Patarozzi A, Würth R, Gatti M, Pentea M, Porcario C, Campanella C, Vito G, Florio T
European Society of Veterinary Oncology Annual Congress 2015 - Krakow POL, May 28-30 2015

"Evolutionary dynamics of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus 1 (BVDV-1) in Italy: phylogeography and contact networks"
Cerutti F, Ebranati E, Luzzago C, Lauzi S, Caruso C, Masoero L, Giammarioli G, Moreno A, Cannella V, Canelli E, Guercio A, Ciccozzi M, De Mia GM, Acutis PL, Zehender G, Peletto S
Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution (SMBE) - Vienna AUT, June 12-16 2015

"First case of pulmonary bovine tuberculosis in a free- living fallow deer in North West Italy"
Zoppi S, Varello K, Bozzetta E, Perosino M, Ferraro G, Monnier M, Botta M, Di Blasio A, Goria M, Dondo A
XVII International Symposium of the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (WAVLD) - Saskatoon CAN, June 15-18 2015

"Mastitis in small ruminants: a diagnostic protocol correlating pathologic findings and infectious agents"
Spuria L, Biasibetti E, Barberis G, Bianco P, Caruso C, Chiavassa E, Di Blasio A, Giai Via M, Grego E, Lamberti M, Masoero L, Nucera D, Valenza F, Zoppi S, Dondo A, Capucchio MT
XXVII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Anatomia Patologica Veterinaria - SEAPV - Barcelona ESP, June 17-19 2015

"Epidemiology of small ruminant mastitis in Italy on 2013: preliminary findings using an electronic data collection system"
Dore S, Liciardi M, Amatiste S, Bergagna S, Bolzoni G,Caligiuri V, Cerrone A,Farina G, Montagna C, Scacchia M, Cannas EA
XXII International Congress of Mediterranean Federation of Health and Production of Ruminants - Sassari ITA, June 17-20 2015

"An ω-gliadin derived peptide with potential anti-inflammatory activity in celiac disease and its occurrence in Triticum monococcum"
Gazza L, Galassi E, Gazzelloni G, Mazza M, Mamone G, Pogna NE
International Association for Cereal Science and Technology Conference - “Grains for feeding the World" - Milano ITA, July 1-3 2015

"The incidence of non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (NDL-PCB) in fat tissues of great cormorants from the River Roja, Nothern Italy"
Abete MC, Mignone W, Vivaldi B, Prearo M, Rizzi M, Squadrone S
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Cadmium and lead in great cormorant from the Cuneo area, Northern Italy"
Abete MC, Palmegiano P, Monaco G, Scaglione FE, Grosjacques F, Squadrone S
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Comparison of polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxin/furans and dioxin like PCBs profiles in sheep and bovine liver sampled in Piedmont Region"
Benedetto A, Guaraldo P, Manzini L, Spalenza V, Nebbia C, Cappa C, S Squadrone, Abete MC
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Effects of lanthanum and cerium on the growth of colonrectal and hepatic cancer cell lines"
Benedetto A, Abete MC, Brizio P, Bocca C, Squadrone S
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Heavy metal levels in griffon vulture feathers from the North Western Italian Mountains"
Abete MC, Monaco G, Fontana A, Reuterna D, Squadrone S
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Illicit administration of estradiol in cattle: case report"
Leporati M, Abete MC, Vincenti M, Ferro GL, Ostorero F, Gili M
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Trends in Piedmont Region (Italy) of the use of veterinary drugs in bovine farms"
Benedetto A, Amato G, Giovannini T, Grifoni F, Gatto S, Barettini P, Millone A, Nicodemo MC, Dutto D, Attucci A, Gili M, Marchis D
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"A PK/PD study in trachemis turtles after single intracoelomic injection of Marbofloxacin at different dose rates"
Vercelli C, Giorgi M, De Vito V, Salvadori M, Barbero R, Dezzutto D, Bergagna S, Gennero S, Re G
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Case report: intentional endosulfan poisoning of domestic animals"
Scavo M, Capra P, Leporati M, Zoppi S, Vincenti M, Gili M
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Veterinary Pharmacovigilance: drugs traceability and antimicrobial consumption. A Pilot Study in Piedmont Region"
Vercelli C, Re G, Barbarino G, Gennero S, Dezzutto D, Fea G, Mina G, Barbero R
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Histological biomarkers to reveal low-dose dexamethasone illicit administration in veal calves: results from a three years experimental study"
Botta M, Richelmi G B, Maurella C, Pezzolato M, Bozzetta E
13th International Congress of the European Association for Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT) - Nantes FRA, July 19-22 2015

"Foodborne botulism: two italian cases associated with home-canned vegetables in oil from the south of Italy"
Astegiano S, Bianchi DM, Anniballi F, Buonincontro G, Corvonato M, Gallina S, Zuccon F, Decastelli L
Congress of the International Association for Food Protection - Portland USA, July 25-28 2015

"Molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from italian blue cheese production plants and comparison with human clinical strains from the same geographical area"
Filipello V, Gallina S, Amato E, Pontello M, Decastelli L, Lomonaco S
Congress of the International Association for Food Protection - Portland USA, July 25-28 2015

"DNA barcoding for food safety and health consumer: the italian experience"
Ferrari A, Vito G, Goria M, Acutis PL, Razzuoli E
6th International Barcode of Life Conference - Guelph CAN, August 18-21 2015

"Occurrence of ndl-pcbs and pbdes in italian house dust and their relevance for intakes in toddlers and pets"
Brambilla G, Esposito M, Ferrari A, Manni A
35th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin2015) - São Paulo BRA, August 23-28 2015

"A model of barn for the environmental sustainability of beef production"
Baioni E, Marra A, Bertolini S, Thiebat F, Savio L, Bosia D, Bozzetta E, Maurella C
Congress on Controversies & Consensus in bovine health, industry & economics (CoBo) - Berlin DEU, August 27-30 2015

"Reassortant Swine Influenza A detected in a pig‐farm in Piedmont (Italy)"
Lo Vacchio C, Rizzo F, Chiapponi C, Sona B, Origlia S, Zoppi S, Bertolini S, Ru G, Foni E, Mandola ML
9th Annual Meeting EPIZONE & 10th International Conference of ESVV 2015 - ‘Changing viruses in a Changing world’ - Montpellier FRA, August 31 - September 3 2015

"Zoonotic helminthes in lacustrine fish from Northern Italy"
Gustinelli A, Menconi V, Cavazza G, Caffara M Righetti M, Scanzio T, Prearo M, Fioravanti ML
9th International Symposium on Fish Parasites - Valencia ESP, August 31 - September 4 2015

"Dioxin-like and non-dioxin polychlorinated biphenyls in sheep milk"
Abete MC, Stella C, Nespoli R, Squadrone S
25th Scientific Meeting of International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds - Bordeaux FRA, September 13-17 2015

"First case of pulmonary bovine tuberculosis in a free- living fallow deer in North West Italy"
Zoppi S, Varello K, Bozzetta E, Perosino M, Ferraro G, Monnier M, Botta M, Di Blasio A, Goria M, Dondo A
32nd World Veterinary Congress - Istanbul TUR, September 13-17 2015

"Comparing reference intervals of haematological and biochemical profiles in lactating donkeys (Equus Asinus)"
Dezzutto D, Barbero R, Bergagna S, Valle E, Cavallarin L, Raspa F, Minero M, McLean A, Gennero MS
19th ESVCN Congress - European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition - Toulouse FRA, September 17-19 2015

"Evaluating nutritional status in healthy lactating donkeys (Equus asinus)"
Rasoa F, Cavallarin L, Miinero M, Dezzutto D, Barbero R, Gennero MS, Mc Lean A, Valle E
19th ESVCN Congress - European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition - Toulouse FRA, September 17-19 2015

"Nutritional status in healthy lactating donkeys"
Valle E, Raspa F, Minero M, Dezzutto D, Barbero R, Gennero MS, Mc Lean A, Cavallarin L
19th ESVCN Congress - European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition - Toulouse FRA, September 17-19 2015

"Evaluation of walnut allergenic potential after thermal exposure: ELISA and prick test"
Ferrari A, Minale P, Migone L, Rubini D, Vito G, Lazzara F, Cosma V, Ferrari D, Bini D, Rizzo G, Goria M, Razzuoli E
129th Annual Meeting & Exposition AOAC- Leading the Industry in Food Science and Safety - Los Angeles USA, September 27-30 2015

"M. bovis Tb in North Western Italy: a fifteen-years survey for comparison of strain profiles in human and animal populations"
Chiavacci L, Irico L, Ferraro G, Zoppi S, Vitale N Mondo A, Turchi A, Vignetta P Dondo A Goria M
Shaping the future of food safety, together – EFSA@EXPO – The EFSA’s second scientific conference - Milano ITA, October 14-16 2015

"Pre-harvest risks from Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli: a cross-sectional study in Northern Italy"
Bertolini S, Ru G, Crescio MI, Marra A, Zoppi S, Dondo A, Di Blasio A, D'Errico V, Monfardini S, Traversa A, Gallina S, Decastelli L, Romano A, Goria M, Chitarra W, Rizzo F, Gullino ML, Scavia G, Maurella C
Shaping the future of food safety, together - EFSA@EXPO – The EFSA’s second scientific conference - Milano ITA, October 14-16 2015

"A unified base for harmonizing diagnoses and data sharing: the Italian example of the veterinary oncology network (NILOV)"
Ferrari, A; Crescio, MI; Ratto, A; Longo, A; Campanella, C; Vito, G; Porcario, C, Ru, G
Veterinary Cancer Society Annual Conference - Tysons USA, October 15-17 2015

"Education and health promotion: a guideline booklet for good practise in immunocompromised children"
Traversa A, Bianchi DM, Gallina S, Macori G, Fagioli F, Barisone E, Griglio B, Squadrone S, Abete MC, Decastelli L
8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation - Seville ESP, November 16-18 2015